Mobile Medical Module (MMM)

19. MMM collection from the module manufacturer, WISS (Bielsko-Biała, maj 2024)


18. Preparations for centrifuge tests at the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine ( Warszawa, kwiecień 2024)


17. Preparation for MMM vs CMRS tests in neutral buoyancy (Oświęcim, styczeń 2024)


16. Preparation for the next stage of research ( Warszawa, listopad 2023)


15. CMRS tests in neutral buoyancy (Oświęcim, listopad 2023)


74th International Astronautical Congress in Azerbaijan (Baku, październik 2023)


13. Study of the use of selected muscle groups during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Kraków, luty 2023)


12. Final tests of the MMM 4.0 module (Oświęcim, listopad 2022)


11. Simulation of walking on the surface of the Moon (Oświęcim, listopad 2022)


10. Tests of the modernized version of the MMM 4.0 module (Oświęcim, listopad 2022)


9. Assessing the capabilities of adminitering medical aid on board spacecraft (Warszawa, 2021)


8. Design features of spacecraft and space stations (Warszawa, 2021)


7.Advanced underwater tests of the module (2021)


6.Initial underwater tests of the module (2021)


5.Preparations for underwater module tests (2021)


4.Advanced ground tests (2021)


3.Underwater pre-tests (2020)


2.Initial Mobile Medical Module design and build (2019)


1.Assessing the possibility of administering medical aid in simulated underwater microgravity (2019)