CBRNEmed Project

64. Preparations for the broadcast of the Webinar Meeting with CBRNE medicine (Kraków, january 2025)


63. Mass casualty incident simulation in the Batowice road tunnel on the S-52 road. (Kraków, november 2024)


62. CBRNE Convergence Scientific Conference in the USA (Orlando, october 2024)


61. Scientific Conference of the European Society of Emergency Medicine EUSEM 2024 (Kopenhaga, october 2024)


60. Winter Conference of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care. (Karpacz, march 2024)


59. 10th EPIMILITARIS 2024 Scientific Conference, the topic of which was: “CBRNE Epidemiology and Safety – A Decade of Experience”. (Ryn, march 2024)


58. 3rd symposium entitled “Counteracting CBRNE threats”. Demonstration of the work of the CBRNEmedycyna team (Wrocław, february 2024)


57. Testing the impact of pre-hydration on the body’s performance during exercise performed in level C personal protective equipment (Kraków, january/february 2024)


56. Demonstration of rescue operations in a CBRNE mass incident (National Defence Academy, Singapur, january 2024)


55. Visit in National EMS Training Center (Singapur, january 2024)


54. CBRNE scientific conference Convergence Asia 2024 (National Defence Academy, Singapur, january 2024)


53, The study visit in the North West Ambulance Service HART Base in Manchester (United Kingdom, England, january 2024)


52. Conference International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine – 11th DiMiMed. (Düsseldorf, november 2023)


51. CBRNe Science and Consequence Management World Congress (Dubrownik, october 2023)


50. 2nd CBRNE Symposium entitled “Counteracting CBRNE threats” (Rumia, october 2023)


49. Participation in the 11th National Congress of Paramedics (Kraków, october 2023)


48. Practical training in medical aid for the circumstances of chemical contamination and radiation, with a special emphasis on incidents involving phosphorus and post-dirty bomb decontamination (Krakow, September 2023)


47. Conference High Intensity CBRN 2023 (Warszawa, june 2023)


46. CBRNEmedicine course for medical personnel (Kraków, may 2023)


45. CBRNEmedicine course for medical personnel of the Kyiv Emergency and Medical Catastrophe Center (Kraków, may 2023)


44. Science Conference Epimilitaris 2023 (Ryn, march 2023)


43. CBRNE scientific conference Summit 2023 (Lizbona, march 2023)


42. CBRNEmedicine workshops (Warszawa, march 2023)


41. I CBRNE Symposium on Counteracting CBRNE factors. (Kraków, march , 2023)


40. Classes with postgraduate students of “Extreme Medicine and Travel Medicine” (Kraków, february 2023)


39. CBRNEmedicine workshops (Warszawa, february 2023)


38. Demonstration of the training opportunities of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Emergency Care for guests from Norway (Kraków, february 2023)


37. CBRNEmedicine seminar on biohazards (Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki, Kraków, january 2023)


36. CBRNEmedicine workshops for medical personnel of the Polish Medical Air Rescue. (Kraków, january 2023)


35. CBRNEmedicine workshops conducted for the HUMANOSH Foundation. (Kraków, january 2023)


34. CBRNE Workshop (No. 2) conducted for the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) (Kraków, december 2022)


33. CBRNE seminar on radiation hazards (Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki, Kraków, december 2022)


32. CBRNE Workshop (No. 1) conducted for the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) (Kraków, december 2022)


31. CBRNE workshops on dealing with radiation contaminated and irradiated patients (Kraków, november 2022)


30. International Conference on Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine – DiMiMed 2022. (Dusseldorf, november 2022)


29. European Congress of Emergency Medicine EUSEM 2022 (Berlin, october 2022)


28. Exercises in the management of CBRNE patient. (Warszawa, october 2022)


27. Exercise for service cooperation in a CBRNE incident. (Warszawa, october 2022)


26. Test of procedures and decontamination chamber under field conditions. (Kraków, september 2022)


25. Test shooting for the movie Medical decontamination (Kraków, august 2022)


24. Purchase of the infectious level insulator BSL-3 ( Kraków, august 2022)


23. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. (Kraków, april-june 2022)


22. Demonstrations of the operation of the specialist CBRNEmed medical rescue team. (Conference Epimilitaris, Ryn 2022)


21. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Medical management in the CBRNE isolator at the BSL-3 level. (Kraków, march 2022)


20. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Decontamination of a biologically contaminated patient suspected of suffering from a particularly dangerous disease. (Kraków, march 2022)


19. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Taking a biologically contaminated patient suspected of falling ill with a particularly dangerous disease. (Kraków, march 2022)


18. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Medical management in the CBRNE isolator at the BSL-3 level. (Kraków, february 2022)


17. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Decontamination of a biologically contaminated patient suspected of suffering from a particularly dangerous disease. (Kraków, february 2022)


16. CBRNEmedicine specialist training. Taking a biologically contaminated patient suspected of falling ill with a particularly dangerous disease. (Kraków, february 2022)


15. Specialist workshop – Decontamination of Medical Personnel and Victims of a CBRNE Incident (Kraków, january 2022)


14. Specialist workshops – dealing with a victim in an infectious isolator of the BSL-3 level (Kraków, january 2022)


13. Specialist workshop – dealing with a victim of a CBRNE incident in a prehospital setting (Kraków, january 2022)


12.Preparation for research on the impact of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a rescuer’s organism – Test No 2 (Kraków, 2021)


11.Preparation for research on the impact of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a rescuer’s organism – Test No 1 (Kraków, 2021)


10.Training in new type of protective uniform (Kraków, 2021)


9.Extreme Medicine and Travel Medicine – classes with post-graduate students (Kraków 2021)


8.Temporary hospital in Kraków EXPO hall


7.Training for University Hospital in Kraków medical personnel (Kraków, 2020)


6.Training: evacuation of patient with highly infectious disease from an airplane (Kraków, 2020)


5.Early stage of COVID-19 pandemic – training for medical personnel of Lesser Poland Region (Kraków, 2020)


4.Training in medical procedures with Fire Department (Nowy Sącz, 2020)


3.CBRNE airway protection devices (Kraków, 2019)


2.Personal protection devices for medics (Kraków, 2019)


1.Training: evacuation of patient with highly infectious disease (Ryn, Epimilitaris, 2019)